
Puff Proudly With PrideJays

Puff Proudly With PrideJays

Starting June 1st, we invite everyone to Puff Proudly with PrideJays. Higher CelebrationsTM, creators of the world’s first joint birthday candle, the BirthJayTM, has partnered with Northeast Alternatives to launch PrideJays. Together, we hope to raise awareness and support for the LGBTQ+ community. To that end, this collaboration will also benefit the nonprofit, Gay For Good. For every PrideJay sold, a $.50 donation will go to their Boston Chapter, a nonprofit that mobilizes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) and ally volunteers to promote diversity, foster inclusion and strengthen ties to the broader Boston community.

About PrideJays

PrideJays are an ultra-thin rainbow cone, filled with the finest NEA flower for an easy, flavorful toke. Available as one gram prerolled joints, PrideJays come in two strains; Wedding Cake and ZSweet Inzanity.

  • Wedding Cake is a sativa-dominant hybrid phenotype of Triangle Mints. This strain’s flavor is rich and tangy and has vibrant undertones of earthy pepper. Users describe this strain’s effects as strong but also relaxing and euphoric
  • ZSweet Inzanity is noted for its numerous flavors, including pungent pine notes, making it a must-try for all sativa and Durban Poison lovers. This strain’s lineage is Durban Poison x Rainmaker x OG Glue. Sometimes a funny looker, Zsweet Inzanity is a popular NEA strain because of its powerful effects and exquisite flavor. Users consistently describe this strain as energizing and uplifting.

The Mission

Higher CelebrationsTM is an innovative adult gift product leader helping to better connect people for special occasions. They make moments more special by delivering a creative combination of joy and surprise with every product! 

“We want to destigmatize cannabis through innovative products that unite people,”  said Ryan Reinke, Director of Business Development for Higher Celebrations. “We’ve been able to do this with BirthJays, and are beyond excited for the PrideJay launch! By creating products with a donation component built into their DNA, we’re bringing people together while positively impacting the lives of countless others.”

So join us this Pride Month in creating positivity with Gay For Good & Higher Celebrations. Puff Proudly with PrideJays and know that you’re contributing to a great cause!

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